Sunday Chronicle 46/47 £4, 49/50 (cover tatty) £2, 51/52 £3.50, 53/54 £3.50, 54/55 £3, 56/57 £3,  Empire News & Sunday Chronicle – 56/57 £3, 57/58 £3, 58/59 £3, 59/60 £3, 60/61 £3, Football Annual – 61/62, News Chronicle – 47/48 £4, 51/52 £4, 54/55 £4, 59/60 £3, News Chronicle & Daily Dispatch 56/57 £3, 57/58 £3, 58/59 £3, News of the World & Empire News - 61/62 £3, 62/63 £3, 63/64 (cover creased) £2, 64/65 £3. News of the World -  62/63 (no cover) £1, 64/65 £3, 65/66 £3, 66/67 £3, 67/68 £3, 68/69 £3, 69/70 £3, 70/71 £2.50, 71/72 £2.50,  73/74 £2, 74/75 £2, 76/76 £2, 77/78 £2, 78/79 £2, 79/80 £2 (copy back page torn £1), 80/81 £2, 81/82 £2, 82/83 £2, 83/84 £2, 84/85 £2, 85/86 £2, 86/87 £2, 87/88 £2, 88/89 £2, 89/90 £2.50, 90/91 £2.50, 91/92 £2.50, 92/93 £2.50, 93/94 £2.50, 94/95 £3, 95/96 £2.50, 96/97 £2.50, 97/98 £2.50 (copy cr cover £1.50), 98/99 £2.50, 99/2000 £2.50, 00/01 £3, 01/02 £3, 02/03 £3, 03/04 £3, 04/05 £3, 05/06 £3, 06/07 £4, 07/08 £4, Nationwide – 08/09 £3, 09/10 £3, 10/11 £3, 11/12 £3, 12/13 £3, 13/14 £3.

ROTHMANS YEARBOOKS (softback unless stated)

1979-80 10th Year £10, 1980-81 11th Year £10, 1981-82 12th Year, £10 (copy slight cover tear on spine £5) 1982-83 13th Year £10, 1983-84 14th Year £10, 1984-85 15th Year,  (Softback, a few pages refixed £4), (Hardback £15) 1985-86 16th Year £8, 1986-87 17th Year (Softback £10) (Hardback £18) 1987-88 18th Year £10, 1988-89 19th Year £8, 1989-90 20th Year £10, 1990-91 21st Year (Softback £8), (Hardback £12), 1991-92 22nd Year £10, (copy with loose pages £5), 1992-93 23rd Year £8, 1993-94 24th Year £8, 1994-9525th Year (Hardback £12), 1995-96 26th Year (Softback £8), (Hardback £12), 1996-97 27th Year (Softback £8), (Hardback £15) 1997-98 28th Year (Softback £8) (Hardback £12), 1998-99 29th Year (Softback £8), (Hardback £12) 1999-2000 30th Year (Hardback £12), 2000-01 31st Year (Hardback £10), 2001-02 32nd Year (Hardback £10), 2002-03 33rd Year (Hardback £10)

Non League Yearbook 1982/83 (H/B) £4. 




2003-04 34th Year (Hardback £10), 2004-05 35th Year £8, 2005-06 36th Year (Softback Dedicated inside £4),(Hardback £10), 2006-07 37th Year (Hardback £10),2007-08 38th Year (Hardback £10) 2008-09 39th Year (Hardback £10), 2009-10 40th Year (Hardback £10), 2010-11 41st Year (Hardback £10) 2011-12 42nd Year (Hardback £12), 2012-13 43rd Year (Hardback £12), 2013-14 44th Year (Hardback £20)  


Association of Football Statisticians (all at £2 each)

No.34 Jan 84, 35 Mar 84, 53 Mar 87, 54 May 87, 55 July 87, 57 Nov 87, 58 Jan 88, 59 Mar 88, 60 May 88, 65 Aug 89, 66 Nov 89, 67 Feb 90 


Barclays League Club Directory 1991 £4. 


Canon Football Yearbook 83-84 (back cover slightly creased £4.


Caxton Football Annual - 1963 £4.


Carling Premiership (large format)  93/94 (Playfair size) 95/96 £2.


Cherry Red Non League Newsdesk Annual 2004 £3, 2005 £3. 


Daily Mail Barclays League Club Directory (Rothmans size) 1991 (672pp) £4.


Daily Mail Football Guide (Playfair size) 1967/68 £2.50, 1968/69 £2.50.


Empire News - Footballers Who's Who - 1952/53 £4, 1954/55 (cover loose) £3.


FA Competition Directory

03/04 £3, 04/05 £3, 


FA Competition Handbook

02/03 £3, 


FA Premiership 95/96 £2, 97/98 £2,


FA Yearbook 51/52 £5,57/58 £4, 72/73 £2, 73/74 (woc) £2, 84/85 £2, 85/86 £2.50, 90/91 £2.50, 93/94 £2.50


Football League Yearbook 1971/72 £4 (copy cover creased) £2. 86/87 £3, 87/88 £3,(copy still in wrapper £5),  88/89 £3,


HILL'S SPORTING NEWS (covering, Football, Boxing, Racing, Athletics, Rugby, Cricket & Greyhounds) 56/57 £4, 57/58 £4, 59/60 £4, 60/61 £4. 62/63 £3, 63/64 £3, 64/65 £3.


League Club Directory (Rothmans size) 1985 £3.


Observers Book of Association Football (pub 1976) £3.


Panini's Football Yearbook 89/90 £4


Playfair Football Annual 62/63 £2.50, 64/65 £2, 65/66 £2, 69/70 £2, 70/71 £2, 71/72 £2, 73/74 £2, 74/75 £2, 75/76 £2, 76/77 £2, 77/78 £2, 80/81 £2, 81/82 £2, 84/85 £2, 86/87 £2, 87/88 £2, 88/89 £2, 89/90 £2, 90/91 £2, 91/92 £2, 94/94 £2, 95/96 £2


Non League Directory Composite Grandstands 1987 £4, Clubsaver 1996 £4, Official FA Non League 2002 £4, 2006 £4,  Puma 2008 £4, 2009 £4.


Playfair Non-League Football Annual 78/79 £2, 


Racing & Football Outlook Football Annual (playfair size) 51/52 £5, 58/59 £4, 62/63 £4, 63/64 £4, 85/86 £2.50, 87/88 (cr, cover loose £1,) 89/90 £1.50, 90/91 £1.50, 94/95 £1.50. 


Football Handbook - Marshall Cavendish Partworks 1978

Part 2, £2.50, 38, 39, 46, 57, 58, 59, 60, 60,61, 62,  £1 each


Unibond League Yearbook 95/96 £2,